Helping the Earth
From A to Z
A to Z actions you can take right now to help save the earth.
Adopt a neighborhood, roadside, park, or stream to regularly clean up and keep beautiful.
Bring your lunch to school/work in reusable containers, and buy food in bulk rather than single-serve packages
Care for toys so they will last longer. Then you won’t have to replace them and may give them to someone else when you no longer want them.
Donate clothes that you have outgrown to a thrift store or someone who can use them.
Encourage others to reduce waste as much as possible, reuse, and recycle.
Fix up laundry hampers or other containers for collecting and sorting recyclables.
Get in the habit of turning off the water when you brush your teeth. Turn it on only to wet your brush and to rinse.
Help by caring about our wildlife. Rewild your yard by planting native plants and trees, shrubs, and flowers.
Provide food, water, shelter, and space for wildlife.
Insist on buying products in recyclable containers. That way you reduce pollution, save natural resources and habitat, don’t add to the landfill, and keep yourself and others healthy.
Jog or walk, carpool, ride a bike or scooter, or use public transportation to get from place to place to save energy and get exercise.
Look for text on packaging to know if some items have recycled content in them.
Make use of items before you recycle them or have to throw them in the trash. Reuse.
Never litter. Always put your trash in a trash can and recyclables in their bins.
Open blinds in winter to let the sun in for warmth. Close blinds in summer to keep out the warmth.
Plant a tree to stop soil erosion, give you shade, oxygen, clean the air, prevent soil erosion, provide habitat to birds and other creatures, and beautify the earth.
Quit buying products that have unnecessary packaging and packaging which is not recyclable.
Reduce the amount of water you use to keep clean. Take 5-minute showers, not baths.
Save energy by turning down the thermostat: 62-68 degrees in winter. In cold months, layer clothing to stay warm. A few degrees will save a lot of energy and reduce the energy bill.
Turn off lights and electronics if you are not using them. Use a “Smart Power Strip.”
Use products made to be used many times, such as sponges or cloth towels.
Value and appreciate your Earth. Realize that you make a difference every day, and be proud of your contribution.
Watch what you pour down the drain and clear your storm drain of litter, leaves, and pet waste. Hazardous household products can get into the groundwater and pollute your drinking water.
X-ray your habits. Examine products that you use and labels before using them. Use alternatives to hazardous materials if possible such as cleaning supplies.
Use baking soda and vinegar for cleaning.
Yearn to do what you can to help our environment. Love the world with actions.
Zip to close doors and windows if they are opened when the heater or air conditioner is on and zip to open screen doors and windows and turn on a fan instead of using an air conditioner.